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June Tax Tips & News

Welcome to the Hayvenhursts Tax Tips & News monthly newsletter, bringing you the latest news to keep you one step ahead of the taxman.

If you need further assistance just let us know or send us a question for our Question and Answer Section.

We’re committed to ensuring none of our clients pay a penny more in tax than is necessary and they receive useful tax and business advice and support throughout the year.

Please contact us for advice on your own specific circumstances. We’re here to help!

Tax Efficient Profit Extraction
As a company owner you can chose how to extract the profits from your company, and by making the right choices you can minimise the tax and NI paid by you and the company. The Taxman would like you to take all the profits in the from of a salary and possi Read More...
Property Development Issues
There are a wide range of tax issues to consider when developing properties. Here we touch on just a few of them... Read More...
Why Stamp Duty Form Changes?
The forms used to report Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) due on a purchase of UK land and property are changing. The lead purchaser must now provide an identity number such as NI number and date of birth. Where the purchaser is a company the company's tax refe Read More...
Missing Trader Fraud
This is a type of VAT fraud that costs the UK millions of pounds every year. It works like this... A VAT registered company based in the UK purchases small high-value goods (such as mobile phones) in another EU country and imports them into the UK (with z Read More...
June Question and Answer Section
Q. 2009 my family and I moved out of the home I owned and rented a house near my daughter's school. I have recently sold the original home. Do I qualify for the capital gains tax exemption on that property, even though I wasn't livin Read More...
About Us

Hayvenhursts Accountants are based in Cardiff, working with clients throughout South Wales and offering business owners and individuals a wide range of services. All clients are entitled to work delivered on time and unlimited phone support. Visit our website for more information.


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