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The £50,000 Annual Investment Allowance

Newsletter issue - July 08.

All businesses can now claim a 100% allowance for items of equipment, including vans and trucks, but not cars, purchased from 1 April 2008, or from 6 April 2008 for unincorporated businesses.

This allowance is called the annual investment allowance (AIA), and it is capped at £50,000 per year, per single company, or per group of companies. This cap is also reduced in the first accounting period that straddles 1 April 2008, to take account of the portion of the year that falls before 1 April (or 6 April). So a single company that makes up its accounts to 30 September, could claim the AIA 100% allowance on up to £25,000 of expenditure incurred in the period from 1 April 2008 to 30 September 2008. Items purchased before 1 April 2008 may qualify for the old allowances for small or medium sized businesses of 50% or 40% for the first year.

Where expenditure incurred after 1 April 2008 exceeds the available AIA cap it still gets some tax relief at 20% or 10% in the first year, depending on the type of asset. Certain equipment, which is included on the Government approved list of energy or water efficient items, can attract a 100% allowance, called an enhanced capital allowance (eca). The eca is available whether or not the business has used its AIA cap for the year. Its worth checking on the eca website ( ) whether an item of equipment qualifies before you buy it.

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